Series Announcement! - Why Disc Golf?
One of the greatest questions I find a lot of people ask me, who don’t understand my passion for the sport is, “Why disc golf?” Which, at its core, is a great question. Why do I choose to play this game? Why have I spent more money than I should buying discs and entering tournaments? Why do I take my extra time to right blog posts, Instagram stories, and take way too many pictures? The answer is quite simple. I love this sport.
If we are being honest, my reasons are much more complex than that. Disc golf has impacted my life in a profound way and left it very different than it was before. I have found so much of myself in this sport and answered questions I never thought I could.
These reasons are why I’m starting a new monthly series on this blog called, “Why Disc Golf?” I’ll be taking a look at fellow Team Just Playing members, tournament directors, club organizers, course designers, and others. We will explore the reasons they love this sport, the great things they have done for this sport, and ultimately, what disc golf has done for them.
Maybe along the way, you too will be able to answer the question, “Why disc golf?”